Go to CMS > Website Settings to change the default settings of your template B2B website.
Note: These settings apply to template B2B websites only. If your site has been customized, some of these settings may not be enabled.
Default Web Order Payment Type - This will be the default payment option available to your web customers on your checkout. Note that if you select 'credit card' you will still need to integrate with a 'payment gateway' to be able to process payments.
Default Status - Orders created on your website will come into Orderbot with this status. (The most common ones are Unshipped or Unconfirmed, but pick the option that fits your flow.)
Meta Data: Page Title - This is the name that will display on browser tabs when viewing your website. It will also be used for the website name in contact emails.
Contact Email Address - This email address will be used for any 'Contact' pages or forms on your website. To enable signup emails, go to Prefs > System Setup > Site Settings > Email Settings.
Order in Multiples - When your customer enters an item in the cart, it will be multiplied by this value. So if you set this to 3, and your customer adds 2 to the cart, they will be adding 6 units at once.
Enable Pre-auth - Credit card orders will come through as pre-authorized payments, which must be captured under Orders > View Orders. Please note that this feature must also be activated on your gateway, and may not be available for some payment gateways.
Save Card on File - Enable if you would like to save your customers' credit cards on file. Please note that this feature must be activated on your gateway, as credit card information is never stored by Orderbot itself.
Enable Pagination - Set the number of products that will display per page on your website's category and group pages. (If left blank, 15 products will display per page by default.)
Minimum Order Total - Enable this setting to require your customers to reach a certain order total before they are able to check out. For instance, if you set this value to $100, your customers must place an order of $100 or more before they can check out. (Order total is calculated after tax, shipping, and discounts. 100 as Default)