Once a new distribution center is created, you will need to add taxes to ensure that orders shipped from the new distribution center are being charged the correct tax. If you're unsure of how to create a distribution center, you can find that here.
Each tax must be added to each Distribution Center / Country / Province individually, as needed. For example, if you have two distribution centers in Canada, you'll need to add GST for BC to both distribution centers.
Adding a Tax
- Go to Prefs > System Setup > Shipping & Tax Settings
- Click on the Tax per DC tab
- Click on the Add New Tax button
- This window appears - enter the required information and click submit.
If you're looking for more granular tax settings, such as county tax rates, we offer an Avalara integration. Contact support@orderbot.com if you'd like to set up that integration.
Distribution Center, Country, and State/Prov the appropriate one that you wish to add a the tax for.
Tax Group leave this as “N/A” (Canadian users: see Canada Specific Settings below)
Tax Name the name the tax. For example, GST or TAX
Tax Rate the decimal form of the tax rate. If the tax is 7% then you would enter 0.07 here
- Tax Type only applies to Canada specific taxes. Can be left as GST for all other countries.
Single Tax Rate leave this field blank. (Canadian users: see Canada Specific Settings below)
IsActive this should be checked- indicates that the tax is active
Default Products this should be checked
Default Accounts this should be checked
IsHarmonized this should be left unchecked (Canadian users: see Canada Specific Settings below)
Canada Specific Settings
For Step 4 in Adding a Tax, there are some options that should be set differently for orders that are shipped within Canada.
Tax Group this should be GST/PST as is applicable. For HST, leave this as N/A. (If you do not have options for GST or PST, please contact support@orderbot.com)
- Tax Type this should be GST/PST/HST as is applicable.
Single Tax Rate if you offer products that are eligible for a lower tax rate (ex: children's clothing), the lower rate would go in the Single Tax Rate field. Example: In some provinces, there is a lower rate of HST (5%) for certain items, the lower rate belongs in this field, so in this example you would put 0.05 for Single Tax Rate.
IsHarmonized if the tax is Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), this must be checked
Editing a Tax
- Go to Prefs > System Setup > Shipping & Tax Settings
- Enter/Update information as needed per distribution center
- Click submit button at the right upper corner to save the changes. If you navigate away from this page before submit is clicked, then the changes will not be saved.