Note: If you are unsure of any the steps for accounting, please contact support for clarification. Accounting integrations vary from company to company, so the below steps may not be the same for everyone.
Step 1 – Daily Batch Code Settings
Topics: daily batch codes, general ledger, alias name, COGS (cost of good)
How to set up daily batch codes, different types of accounting transactions (payments, discounts, adjustments, payments, credits) and general ledger codes. GL codes are used for mapping different transactions to the appropriate places in your accounting software
Step 2 – Daily Batch Export to Account
Topics: locking daily batch, locking days
Locking a day is done prior to sending the data to your accounting system. To lock a day, all orders for that day are shipped (or have had their ship date moved to a due Future date) and all payments made.
Step 3 – Cash Reconciliation Daily Payment Report
Cash reconciliation is used to compare payments received through Orderbot with banking records.
Note: The path of this report has changed to Reports > Accounting Reports > Daily Payments.
Topics: daily payment report
Note: The following steps may vary from one accounting integration to another. Please contact support if you have any questions
Step 4 – Cash Reconciliation Orderbot vs
Compares credit card transactions from Orderbot with to look for any differences between the two systems.
Topics: credit card reconciliation
Note: this requires that the transaction details have been turned on in your account.
Step 5 – Monthly AR Report and Statements
This reviews the aged accounts receivable page which allows you to view any unpaid invoices as of a date
Note: The path of one of the AR reports has moved to Reports > Accounting Reports > Aged Receivables.
Topics: aged accounts receivable, accounting tab, account statements, sending/printing account statements