Purchase Orders
Step 1 – Creating Vendors
Topics: add vendor, editing a vendor, fields on create vendor (vendor ID, currency, etc)
Step 2 – Creating Purchase Units
Topics: purchase unit, min on hand quantity, purchase cost, vendor SKU, purchase unit
Purchase units link inventory items to the vendors that you purchase them from. Goes over various fields on purchase units.
Step 3 – Creating Purchase Orders
Topics: searching vendors, creating a purchase order
A-Z of creating a purchase order from finding the vendor to adding items, selecting the distribution centre that will receive it.
We also have a guide on this topic.
Step 4 – Receiving Purchase Orders
Topics: searching purchase orders, purchase order statuses
Reviews the how to receive purchase orders including how to partially receive purchase orders.
Important Note: Receiving purchase orders will impact inventory values. Do not receive purchase orders if you are not sure what you're doing. Errors can be very complicated to fix, and should be addressed as soon as possible. If in doubt please contact support@orderbot.com for any questions.
Step 5 – Returning Goods to Vendor
Topics: return products to vendor, returning purchase orders, negative purchase order
On occasion, you might need to return some goods that you've already received back to the vendor. In this case, you'll would want to create a “negative” purchase order to return them to the vendor. By using this process both your current inventory, and the value of your current inventory will also correctly show that these products were returned.
Important Note: As with receiving purchase orders, creating a negative purchase order (and receiving it), will impact inventory. Please be sure that you're comfortable with the process before going a head. For further questions, please contact our support at support@orderbot.com