This series of videos covers all of the preferences available in Orderbot.
Note: If you notice any discrepancies between what you see in these videos and what you see in Orderbot, or how you use preferences, please contact us for clarification.
Step 1
All of the tabs on the Site Settings page are covered here except for Other Settings
Note: If you notice any discrepancies between what you see in these videos and what you see in Orderbot, or how you use preferences, please contact us for clarification.
Topics: company info, currency, sales unit, term type, invoice settings, how to change your invoice format, how to change the address on your invoice, packslip settings, how to change your packslip format, how to change the address on your packslip, late payment notice, statements, email notifications, order confirmations, shipping notifications, when notifcations are sent out (@ 7:00), confirmation message, shipping accounts, shipping warehouse, edi settings, third party payment, multifrontend, ftp, allocated status, other settings
Note: Allocated status has been moved to Prefs > Order Setup > Order Settings
Step 2
The various settings on the Other Settings page are reviewed. The settings on this page may not necessarily be applicable or relevant to all customers. If you have any questions about this page, please contact us.
Note: If you notice any discrepancies between what you see in these videos and what you see in Orderbot, or how you use preferences, please contact us for clarification.
Note: Order-related settings have been moved to Prefs > Order Setup > Order Settings.
Note: Customer-related settings have been moved to Prefs > Customer Setup > Customer Settings.
Topics: Other settings