Sales Reps
These videos review the processes related to sales reps. While not all steps may apply to every company, it is important to at least view them in the correct order during initial set up to ensure that no important steps or details are missed.
Step 1 – Setting Up Sales Reps
The basics of setting up sales reps include setting up the individual rep and the sales group that they belong to. The basics of commissions are covered, however Step 2 – Setting Up Sales Rep Commissions covers this in much more detail.
Topics: setting up sales reps, sales rep groups, rep level commission, sales rep group commission
Step 2 – Setting Up Sales Rep Commissions
Commissions are able to be specified in multiple places and there are different commissions that override others. Commission may be set on the customer (which overrides the sales rep's commission), or on the individual product (which overrides both the customer level and sales rep level commission.
Note: it is only necessary to set up the commissions on the sales rep level. Setting up commission rates on the customer or product level are optional.
Topics: commission, assigning a sales rep to a customer, sales rep commission, customer-level commission
Step 3 – Assigning Sales Reps to Territories
Sales reps may also be asigned to a specific state or country. All orders with a ship to for a given state / country will be attributed to the rep assigned to that territory.
Note: This is an optional step. Only one sales rep may be assigned to a given state / country.
Topics: sales territories, assigning sales reps to states / countries
Step 4 – Reassigning Sales Reps
Topics: assigning customers from one sales rep to another
Step 5 – Giving System Access to a Sales Rep
This video covers the process for setting up sales reps with a user account in Orderbot. This will allow them to place their own orders, enter customers, view orders for their customers, etc. The restrictions of “sales” users are also reviewed in this video.
Topics: setting up users, setting up sales users, restrictions for sales users
Step 6 – CRM Setup
This is an essential video for anyone that will be using the CRM. The initial set up of status, actions, and variables may only be applicable to sales managers, depending on your company. Typically sales users will not have access to the CRM settings, so there is no harm in them seeing how it's set up. How to assign notes, search notes, set up follow ups, and all other important info for the CRM is covered here.
Topics: creating CRM statuses, CRM actions, and CRM variables, creating follow ups, creating CRM notes, viewing CRM notes, assigning notes to users, searching CRM notes