Note: This video goes over important information that needs to be taken into consideration before setting up your products.
Step 1 – Placing an Order
This is an overview of the placing an order from start to beginning, as well as all of the options on the orderpad.
Topics: placing an order, order history, tag filtering, find by, back order, stock status, samples, other charges, shipping address, payment, coupons, notes, discounts, splitting orders, order detail page, changing order status, change shipdate, email invoices, print invoice, print packslip, shipping labels
Step 2 – Understanding the View Order Screen
The view orders screen has many different options for searching or viewing orders. There are also many different convenient functions that are available on this page. This video reviews all of these.
Note: The 'Send to Warehouse' function is not appliable to all clients. This feature is only used if you have an integration with Orderbot for your 3rd party warehouse.
Topics: view order screen, searching / browsing orders, order statuses
Step 3 – Managing Orders
This video provides an overview of recommended practices / processes for managing orders and their statuses. This video is intended for operations managers, etc. It varies from company to company if this video would be useful to your CSRs. If you are following the process(es) we've outlined in this video, it may also provide useful background information on processes for CSRs.
Topics: order statuses, ship date, back orders, order management
Step 4 – Product Credits and Returns
This video covers scenarios for shipped orders where you need to return / refund the amount for product(s) on an order.
Note: This process only applies to shipped orders.
Topics: product credits, product returns, refunds
Step 5 – Applying Payments
There are many different ways to apply payments this video reviews how to apply payment sfrom the accounting screen.
Topics: payments, payment methods, accounting screen
Step 6 – Overpayment Credits
Overpayment credits are automatically generated anytime a payment is applied to an order/invoice that is more than the order total. It may also be generated if an order is paid in full, and then the order is edited (ex: an item removed) and the order total is now less than the original payment.
Topics: overpayment credits, applying credits
Step 7 – Direct Credits
Direct credits are credits that are not related to a specific product on the order or an overpayment. Direct credits may be used when offering a customer a credit for customer service reasons (ex: customer was upset because their order was shipped out late), or various other reasons. When direct credits are used varies from company to company.
Topics: credits, applying credits, customer service credits