This series of videos goes over all of the steps for creating a product. It's strongly recommended to watch the videos in the correct order. Especially if you're new to Orderbot, you may miss very important information if you do not watch all of the videos in the correct order.
Step 1 - Managing Classes
Note: This video goes over important information that needs to be taken into consideration before setting up your products.
Topics: Sales vs. inventory vs. assembly classes, what classes to use with bill of material.
Step 2 – Product Structure
Topics: Sales class vs. inventory class, creating/editing categories and groups
Step 3 – Setting Up Product Tags
Topics: creating product tags, when to use tags
Step 4 – Setting Up Product Variables
Product variables are 'options' available for a product - such as size or colour.
Topics: Creating product variables, setting swatches, and creating parent-child products.
Step 5 – Setting Up 1 to 1 Products
This is video covers your standard product set up. If you're quite experienced with Orderbot and already have many products set up, this is video provides great refresher on the process for creating products.
Topics: Creating a product, the various fields on the product detail page, assigning product tags, creating BOM (inventory item and purchase unit) for 1:1 products.
Note: Some fields on the product detail page may be used for different purposes for different clients. If we've told you to use a field for a different purpose than in this video - please stick with that. If you have any questions, or aren't sure, contact us and we'll clarify.
Step 6 – Setting Up 1 to Many Bill of Material
One to Many products are ones where you may sell an item in one way (ex: a gift basket) but inventory the product separately (ex: the individual items in the basket).
Note: If bill of material is set up incorrectly, it can be very time consuming and difficult to fix. It's strongly recommended that you consult our team prior to setting up a One to Many BOM. We also offer special training on this topic.
Topics: Setting up 1 to Many BOM, editing an existing BOM.
Step 7 – Pricing
Pricing in Orderbot is set up using Orderguides. This video covers all the basics for creating an Orderguide. All the information needed to edit an Orderguide is also covered.
Topics: Pricing for products, setting up Order Guide pricing.