So it turns out that order will ship later than you thought it would. How do you change the date in Orderbot so that you know when your order needs to be fulfilled?
Changing the Ship Date on an Order
There are two ways that you can change the ship date:
(a) When editing any order, check the ship tab. Find the field called 'Shipping Date' and click the little calendar icon. From here, just save Shipping Details and then Update the Order.
(b) On the Order Detail Page (or Invoice), click the menu option called CHANGE SHIPDATE. A little calendar will pop up so that you can pick a date.
Batch Editing Ship Dates
- Go to Orders > View Orders or Fulfilment > Manage Shipping.
- Search for orders. (You can filter by status, by date, or other values.)
- For each order you would like to update, tick the checkbox on the left-hand side.
- Pick a date using the calendar icon and then click the Move Ship Date button.
Setting a Default Ship Date
- Go to Prefs > System Setup > Shipping and Tax Settings > Shipping Methods.
- Click the Edit icon next to the Ship Method you would like to set up this default ship day for.
- After you've changed the number, don't forget to click Submit.
For more information on shipping methods, please check out this guide.
NOTE: If you enter…
0 (no settings) - This means the same day as the order date.
1 - Next business day. Let's say today is July 4th, so the ship date is July 5th.
2 - Two business days. If today is July 4th, ship date is July 6th.
3 - Three business days. Today is July 4th, but this won't ship until July 9th because of the upcoming weekend.