For shipped orders only, the Returns option allows you to return a product to your inventory and generate a product credit that you can return to the customer or apply on another order as credit.
- Go to Orders > View Orders.
- Search for the order containing the product your customer is returning. Click the order ID to go to the order detail page.
- Click the Returns option on the top menu. If you don't see this option, then your order is likely unshipped. Returns can only be made on shipped orders.
- Select which products you would like to return and fill out all required fields:
Notes - Enter a note with the reason for your return.
Credit / RTN Reason - Select a reason for your return from the dropdown.
RTN TO INV - Tick this checkbox if you would like the returned product to be added back to your inventory. (Leave unticked if the product will be discarded.)
QTY - Enter the quantity that you will return.
Generate Return Label - If you have a shipping integration set up to allow returns, tick this box to generate a return label at the same time as your credit.
- Click Submit to create your credit.
- Click 'OK' when prompted about whether or not you'd like to create a credit.
- You'll be redirected to a page indicating that your credit was successfully created. From here,click Clear Credit to return the credit to the customer.
You can also clear a credit on the order detail page. Please read our guide on clearing credits for more information.
If you wish to apply this credit to another order, please read our guide on applying credits.