There are four different types of coupons that can be created in Orderbot:
shipping discount
order discount
product specific discount
’Buy one get one'
Creating a Coupon
- Go to Home >Prefs > Order Setup > Coupon Codes
- Click Add New Coupon button and Coupon Codes page opens
- Fill in the out the fields on the page:
Coupon code: may be any combination of letters and numbers, e.g. Default, Mother’s day, 25000, ABC1234, etc.
Minimum Order ($): minimum order value this coupon is valid for.
Order by date: select a date the coupon will expire. NOTE: The coupon will expire at midnight (00:00) on the date specified, so if you want a coupon to still be used on, say, January 1st, you'd need to set the expiry to January 2nd.
Sales Channel: Check Use All Recipients check box or select the sales channel(s), if you want to apply the coupon only to specific channel customers: Wholesale, Distributors, DTC, etc.
Coupon Group (optional) You also can create a Coupon group, by clicking Add Group button, for e.g. Mother’s day , and create several coupons for this group (event)
One-Time-Use-Codes (optional) Leave this field unchecked (see note below about One-Time-Use-Codes if you would like to use them)
Coupon Notes (optional) Any notes/information you'd like to include about the coupon (only visible in Orderbot)
Select a coupon type select the radio button for the type of coupon you'd like to create. See below for further descriptions.
Note for One Time Use Coupons: This functionality is designed specifically to be used on websites and is not supported by default. If you wish to use this functionality on your website, please contact us and we can provide more information. Adding this functionality takes time and cannot be added on short notice.
Shipping Discount
- Select the methods your discount applies for by checking check boxes next to methods
- Enter a discount amount into Flat Shipping Price ($) or a percentage into Shipping Discount %
- Click Submit button
A new coupon has been created: it is valid till 31st October 2019 and Offers Free Shipping to Wholesale Customers for selected Shipping Methods on Orders over $50.00.
Order Discount
- Enter a discount amount into Discount Amount ($) or a percentage into Discount %
- Click Submit button
In this example an Order discount Coupon was created, valid till 23rd August 2019. It applies to the orders with order value $50 and over, for Wholesale customers and Order discount is $10 OFF. The Coupon Code is TenBucks