There are many features on the Orderpad. We recommend reading our guide on the basics of placing an order first, and then using this page for further detail about each section.
Main Page of Orderpad
On the grey bar up top, details about the customer under which you're placing the order display.
Account - This is the name from the billing account this customer is associated with. If you click on the name, you'll pull open the account profile in a new window.
Customer - This is the name from the customer, the level on which shipping information is stored. If you click on the name, you'll pull open the customer's profile in a new window.
Store - This displays the store name from the customer.
CRM - Click 'new notes' to create a CRM note for this customer or 'view notes' to see existing CRM notes you have created for them.
Terms - This displays the Terms Type that you have selected on the account profile. This is just for informational purposes–it doesn't affect how this order will appear on reports such as the Aged Receivables. If you have chosen to enable to feature to have different term types orders, this will become a drop down of term types that are set up in Prefs > System Setup > Site Settings > Term Types
Currency - The currency under which this order will be placed. It's based on the order guide assigned to the account.
Accept B/O - This shows whether or not you have set this account to accept backorders. If 'no' is ticked, then no backorders can be created for this account.
Sales Rep - Select a sales rep from the dropdown menu to assign to this order. (By default, it will select the sales rep who is already assigned to the customer.)
Unapplied Credit - This will display the total sum of any unapplied credits on the account. This is for informational purposes, to let you know that there is credit on the account you may wish to apply to this order.
Order Features
Category - Click this to bring up products by category. Depending on your product structure, you may have a single link here for products or many different categories to pick from. In our example above, one of our categories is called 'Dresses'
Order History - For Wholesale accounts only, this feature lists products that have been ordered recently, so that you can re-order them quickly. To enable it, go to Prefs > Order Setup > Order Settings Scroll down to Order History: # of Months Displayed on Orderpad setting. Enter how many months of history you would like to check and click Save Changes.
Tag Filtering - If you have set up your products to use tags, you can use this to limit your search to specific product tags. Just tick 'enable tag filtering' and select the tags you would like to search by.
Search - This allows you to search by SKU or product name. You can filter by tag on this page as well.
Order by SKU - If you would like to enter products quickly by quantity and SKU, this is the option you would use. Just enter the product SKU in the first column and the quantity of product you would like to order in the second.
Backorder - Click this option to create a backorder tied to your main order.
Stock Status - This option allows you to split the order into a backorder, but with finer control over which product ends up on which order. Enter quantities in the box to put them on the main order and on the X column to place them on backorder. If you have your system set up to check stock status, this order will automatically split into an order and backorder.
Allocate - This functionally behaves the same as Stock Status, except that it excludes orders on Backorder from 'To Be Shipped' quantities, regardless of your allocated status. This allows you to disregard backorders when allocating available inventory to orders.
Edit QTY - Once you've added products onto the order, click this link to make any changes.
Other Charges - This allows you to apply the charges that you or your admin created under Prefs > Order Setup > Order Other Charges. Check the tick box if the charge is % based, rather than a flat amount.
Samples - If you click this option, it will highlight in green. Any products that you add while 'samples' is highlighted will be entered with a $0 price and will appear under a separate 'Samples' section on the order. Before you use this feature, check that your invoice format displays samples.
Shipping Tab
This tab is where you fill out shipping information about the customer. Address fields will populate from the customer's profile, though you can edit them here if you would like to make changes for this specific order.
First, turn your attention to the four drop-downs.
Distribution Centre - Select the distribution centre from which this order will ship. (Inventory will deplete from this distribution centre when the order is marked as shipped.)
Shipping Carrier - Select the shipping carrier you would like to use for this order.
Shipping Method - Select your shipping method–this dropdown list will only contain methods for the shipping carrier you selected above. The methods available for this customer are determined by your shipping settings. See our guideShipping Methods on Shipping Methods for more information.
Bill Shipping to - Select whether or not the customer will be paying shipping charges at the time of delivery, rather than having those charges included as part of their order total. For collect, you'll need to include a ship account number for the customer as well–by default, it will use the ship account number from the account profile.
NOTE: The distribution centre, shipping carrier, and shipping method available for selection on this page are determined by your shipping settings. If you are missing options to select here, please go to Prefs > System Setup > Shipping and Tax Settings. We have a video series and How To guide on shipping settings for your reference.
Get Rates - If you are using a shipping charge set to get rates and have a shipping integration with a carrier like USPS, Fedex, or UPS, you can use Get Rates to get an estimated shipping rate from your carrier. This button will open up a second window where you will enter details such as service type, units, weight, and dimensions.
Payment Tab
On the payment tab, you must select from one of three different payment types:
Credit Card - This is the default payment option, allowing you to charge your customer's credit card at the same time that the order is placed. See below for more information.
Account - This option must be enabled by ticking the House Account checkbox on the customer's billing account profile. It allows you to process an order without payment. You can apply further discounts, credits, or other payment types on the order detail page after the order is created.
Card on File - This option will only show up if you have already saved a credit card on file for this account. It allows you to charge to cards that have been stored by your gateway. (Depending on the gateway that you're using, you can save CIM on the 'CIM Accounts' tab of an account profile or by ticking 'save credit card' while charging a credit card on an order. Please see our video on saving CIM with Helcim if this is the gateway that you are using.)
Credit Card Fields
Card Type - Select the type of your customer's credit card.
Name on Card - Please enter the name as it appears on the card.
Expiry Date - Enter in MMYY format.
Card Number - The customer's card number.
Card Verification Number - A 3-digit number used to verify the card.
AVS ZIP - For US customers, this is where you would enter the ZIP. For Canadian customers, enter the Postal Code. This field is not required unless you have turned on a setting that will authenticate the ZIP. (This will trigger AVS mismatch in cases where the ZIP or postal code does not match.)
Note: Once you have filled out these fields, don't forget to click Save Payment Details. Otherwise, your changes will be lost.
Additional Features
Include Billing Info - Tick this box if you would like to send additional billing information at the time the credit card is processed. Use the Fetch from Account Button to pull the address from the account profile. You would generally only use this option if your gateway requires billing address verification.
Do Not Process Payment - Tick this checkbox if you would not like to charge the customer's credit card at this time. (You do not need to enter any credit card information if this tickbox is checked.)
Pre-auth - Tick this box to place an authorization hold on the funds. At a later time, you can go to Orders > View Orders and click the blue 'pre-auth amount' to settle the payment.
Save Credit Card - Tick this checkbox to save this card on file. You can enter a 'card on file name' to assign a particular name to the card or leave it blank to auto-generate a name based on the card type and last four digits of the credit card number. (e.g. Visa-4444)
Coupons Tab
Coupon Code - Enter the coupon code here. One Time Use Code - If this coupon was generated as one-time-use, enter the numerical code after the dash into this field. If this is not a one-time-use coupon, leave this field blank.
Click Confirm Coupon Code to apply this coupon to your order.
Note: If you have not yet set up any coupons, please see our guide on coupons for additional information.
Notes Tab
This feature is fairly straightforward. Enter notes in either the order notes or internal notes, depending on your needs. Don't forget to click Save Notes before you submit the order.