Account Groups
Account Groups are an optional setting that allow you to assign your accounts to groups. This feature is purely informational, so feel free to adapt it to your business needs.
Commonly, these groups are used to keep track of where new customers came from (e.g. from a trade show) or which customers will be given special offers (which can also be paired with custom order guides to give unique price lists.)
Creating Account Groups
Go to Prefs > Customer Setup > Account Groups.
You will see a default account group created for each sales channel that you are using. If you have not already created any account groups, all of your existing accounts will be assigned to these default groups. The population number next to each account group refers to the number of accounts that have been assigned to it.
To add a new group, just click Add Group. Enter the account group's name, then click Submit to save.
Note: To perform this task, you must have an admin-level user account. If you don't see this menu option, that means that you will need to ask an admin user in your company to add these settings.
Managing Existing Account Groups
Go to Prefs > Customer Setup > Account Groups.
Scroll down to view the account groups that you have already created. Using the icons next to each group, you can edit, delete, deactivate, or reactivate them.
Edit: Click the edit icon to change the group's name.
Delete: Click the trashcan icon to delete the group. You should delete a group only if no account groups are assigned to it.
Deactivate: To deactivate the group, click the green checkmark . Inactive groups will no longer show on dropdown menus.
Reactivate: To reactivate a group, just click the red X.
If you look at our example screenshot below, you will see that our 'Travel' group has been deactivated. We can reactivate it by clicking the red X if we want to use it again. Or, since its population is 0 (meaning that it has not been assigned to any accounts), we could also delete it by clicking the trashcan icon.
Assigning an Account Group to New Accounts
This is another step in the general process of creating new accounts. For additional information, please see our guides on creating customers.
Note: Account groups are assigned on the account (billing address) profile, not on the customer (shipping address) profile. This means that if you have an account linked to many customers, they will all share the same account group.
- To create a new account, go to Customers > New Customer. Select your account group from the dropdown. If you don't see it on the list, check that your account is assigned to the correct sales channel and that your account group is active.
- After you have filled all required fields, click Submit to save your new account.
Assigning an Account Group to an Existing Account
If you are creating your account groups for the first time, you will notice that all of your existing accounts are assigned to the default group for their sales channel. You can edit your account profiles to edit this group at any time.
- Go to Customers > Manage Customers. Search by account.
- Click on the account name to jump onto the account profile. Click the Edit tab up top, as in our screenshot to the right.
- Select your account group from the dropdown menu.
Note that account groups are based on sales channel, so if you don't see your group there, check that your customer's account is assigned to the correct sales channel and that your account group is active.
- Click Submit to save your changes to the account profile.