This section will show you different ways you can manage and update your products.
Manage Products Screen
This is where you will always search and view your products. This page has some helpful information, as well as a couple of functions to be able to query your products better. You can change the way the information is displayed in Product Settings.
Searching for a Product
- Go to Products > Product Management > Manage Products
- Choose the Class, Category, or Group you want to search in.
- If you click "Submit" with a group selected, it will bring up all the products in that group.
- Type the Name or SKU you are looking for and click "Submit"
If you are looking for inactive products, un-check "Active Product Only" to bring up the inactive products within your search results.
If you have more than 500 products, the products will appear on separate pages. You can navigate between pages, or select a specific page.
Searching for Products Using Tags
If you have active tags on your products, you can use these to help narrow your search results.
- On the Manage Products page, check the box, and click "Search by Tags"
- Select the Tags you want to search for. You can also choose if you want to search for a product with multiple tags (click "AND") or search for all products with two different tags (Click "OR").
- Click "Submit"
- The results will only contain the products that match the Name or SKU, and have the tags.
Printing Labels
On the Manage Products screen, you can also use a handy function that lets you print barcodes. These are generated from the UPC field on the product profile.
- Query the products you want to create barcodes for.
- Select them using the tick box under the functions column. If you have parent-child products, selecting the parent will select all of the child products.
- Click Print Labels in the top right hand corner.
- A pop-up will appear. You can select which order guide the price will pull from, as well as adjust QTY for the products. 1 will be populated for you.
- When ready - click "Print" . Another window will pop up with the generated barcodes.
Moving Products Between Groups
If you ever find your products are in the wrong group, or category, you can use this function to correct that.
Go to Products > Edit Products > Edit Products in Groups.
1. Select your product class.
2. Click the + sign next to your category to expand it.
3. Drag and drop your products into the category and group you would like to use.
4. Your change will be immediate–no need to save. A message will display up top indicating that the product changed groups.