Depending on your company's needs, you may want your customers to be created by default with certain settings enabled. (e.g. If you have multiple sales channels, you may which to pick which one is selected in the dropdown by default when you create a new customer.)
Go to Prefs > Customer Setup > Customer Settings to make these changes.
Possible Settings
Default CRM Status - If you're using CRM, you will be assigning all of your statuses through CRM Notes. However, for brand new customers (who have no notes yet), you can use this dropdown to ensure they are created with a particular status.
Default Sales Channel - New Customers will be assigned this channel by default.
Show Only Active Customers - This affects the search results on Customers > Manage Customers. If ticked, you not see this customer at all when you search. (It will still show up when searching by account, though.)
Link to Customer Summary - This affects search results on Customers > Manage Customers. Tick to have customer links jump to the summary rather than to the 'edit customer profile' page
Default New Customers to Accept Backorders - Allows backorders to be created from orders under this particular account. If unticked, you will see an error message if you try to generate a backorder for any orders under this account.
Default New Account as Tax Exempt - All orders placed under an account with this setting turned on will be treated as tax-exempt. Please note that enabling this setting on a customer account will only affect future orders–existing orders will not be edited.
Default New Account as House Account - Assigns by default new Wholesale Accounts to 'House Account' terms. This account will be able to place orders without initial payment.
Do Not Use Primary Customer Email - Tick if you would like to prevent emails (confirmations, invoices, ship notices, etc) from sending to any customer's primary email address.
Show Term Types - Adds an optional dropdown to select term types on account profile. Please note that 'term types' in Orderbot are informational only–if you would like to change terms in a way that affects due dates, you will need to use the 'terms (days)' field.
- Show Address Book Additional Entry - Enables you to create new addresses for a single customers to be used when creating new orders.
- Set Default Customer per Account - If you have a B2B portal that supports this feature, this lets you choose a default customer to place orders for all other customers under a single account. Please email if you're unsure if your B2B portal supports this feature, or if you'd like a quote on getting this feature.