If you're importing your inventory for the first time or if you have a large number of products, you may find it easiest to update your inventory by importing a CSV file.
- Go to Products > Inventory > Inventory Adjust | Count from CSV
- Click on the Export Current Inventory button to get a copy of a CSV file containing your current inventory levels for each product. This file is the exact same format that you will need to import your new inventory count or adjustment.
- Open this file in Excel. Regardless of whether or not you're doing a count or an adjustment, the column you will enter your inventory change in will be the one called 'New QTY.'
You can change the date to a past or future date if you would like your count or adjustment to take effect on a different day. (Please note that you will still need to make sure that your new date is in the format YYYY-MM-DD or the file will be rejected when you import.)
For Inventory Counts:
Enter your count in the New QTY field. Your new count will over-write your existing inventory as of the date you have entered under your date field. Leave the New QTY field blank for any product you would like to stay the same.
For Inventory Adjustments:
Enter your adjustment in the 'New QTY' field:
For positive adjustments, units will be added to your inventory total. In our above example, SKU COOL-BG-M will have 2 units added, ending up with a total of 13.
For negative adjustments, the process is the same but with a negative QTY. In our above example, SKU COOL-MN-S will have 2 units depleted, ending up with 9 units.
If you would like a product's inventory to stay the same, leave it blank (or 0). COOL-BL-M in our above example will have its inventory QTY remain unchanged.
- Go back to Products > Inventory Adjust | Count from CSV. Select the following options:
Product Class - The class that you will update. (Whichever one you have set up your inventory to use.)
Distribution Centre (DC) - Inventory must be assigned to a specific distribution center or warehouse.
Adjustment / Count
Select 'adjustment' if you're updating your inventory by a quantity.
Use 'count' if you're entering an inventory count.
Adjustment Reason - For inventory adjustments only, select a reason from the dropdown.
- Click Choose File and select your file.
- Click View CSV File.
- Preview your file. Make sure that you've selected the correct option: inventory Count or Adjustment. When you're ready, click Submit Inventory Adjustments.
If there is anything incorrect about how you've formatted your file, a message will display that will explain how to correct it.
Some Common Mistakes
Product ID is blank
Date format is incorrect
File is not CSV format
Incorrect format (e.g. not the right number of columns)
The solution in most cases is to re-export your inventory count to get a correct copy of the format, which you can use as an example to correct your file.