If you have an Orderbot B2B website, you will need to complete these settings before your product can be viewed and purchased. It allows you to decide whether or not your website will check available inventory, whether customers can make backorders, and will even display the date on which backordered products will be available.
Product Visibility on Web
Go to Home » Products » Products on Web » Manage Product Visibility.
1. Select the website whose visibility settings you will be changing.
2. Select your filters. If you would like to view all products, you can skip this step and just hit Search.
Category - Filters by one category at a time.
Group - Filters by one group at a time. (You must pick a category before you can filter by group.)
Name or SKU - Filters by an individual product or products sharing similar names and SKUs.
3. Select your visibility settings for each product using the radio buttons.
Not Visible - Product does not display on the website. This is the default setting for new products to make sure they don't appear on your website before you're ready.
Out of Stock (Not Visible) - Product will be treated as out of stock, and will not display on your website.
Out of Stock (Visible) - This option means that your product will be visible regardless of its stock status, but that if its 'Available' amount is less than 1, the product will be out of stock and cannot be purchased.*
Out of Stock (Available On) - Any orders placed for this product will come through into Orderbot with the status 'backorder.' Select the date when your product will be available. This will display an 'expected on' date on the product's detail page, as well as on your customer's order confirmation. The shipdate for any backorders will also default to the date selected, so long as it is set to a future date.
Gen Separate BO - Tick if you would like any backordered products to be split onto a separate order, allowing you to ship the rest of the products that you can fulfill.
If you have 'Do not check inventory' ticked, 'Out of Stock (Visible)' will allow your customers to purchase products regardless of availability.
NOTE: 'Available' inventory is calculated like this: Onhand - TBS = Available. Onhand is the number of inventory units in your warehouse (e.g. entered in an inventory count or received on a purchase order). 'TBS' (To Be Shipped) included all units currently on an order with an allocated status of 'To Be Shipped.'
4. Click Update to save your changes.
Product Profile - Website Settings
On the product profile, there is also a Website Settings section where you can adjust the information that displays on your B2B portal, including the Product Visibilty on Web settings.
- Go to Products > Product Management > Manage Products, and find the product you want to edit.
- Scroll down to "Web Settings" and click the '+ sign' to expand this section.
- Depending on your B2B portal template, some of these fields may show up. You can also edit your Product Visibility settings here as well.
Additional Steps
If you followed all of the above and your product is still not showing up on your website, then there are one or two other steps that you may have missed:
Order Guide Pricing - You must add your product to an order guide before it can be viewed or purchased. If you like, you may create many different lists for different customers, allowing you to make some products visible to some, while invisible to others.
Shop By - If you're using a Shop By menu, you will need to add your item before it will appear. Go to CMS > Shop By.
Parent Settings - If your product is a child, you will need to make sure it has order guide pricing as well or it will not be visible.